Park is glad to have his 4 wheeler out again!
So we surprised the kids a couple of weeks ago with these motorcycles. I don't know who was more excited the boys or their Dad! He could hardly wait to give them the bikes. We bought them in January so it was a long wait. We should have waited longer to give them the bikes because of all the rainy weather its been too muddy to ride. So of course theres been non stop whining about not being able to ride the bikes! They knew they were getting a surprise but nothing like this! It was so fun to see their faces! Cole took off on his bike like a little pro. It was amazing! Like he was a born motorcycle rider. Mitch was a little more hesitant and cautious (like his mom:) I'll admit I even took them for a little spin. They were perfect for me too! Not too fast and not too slow. Parker was happy to have his 4 wheeler out of storage. He didn't even notice the motorcycles. It was a great day to be a "boy mom"!
Oh boy! Scott can't wait until Deacon is old enough for stuff like that. It freaks me out a little...
I think I'm mostly a "girl mom", so could I just adopt out Will occasionally to you guys - so he can have some boy experiences!
looks fun to me! sign me up...i'm still a motorcycle/speed junkie!!!
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