Thursday, May 7, 2009

Hogle Zoo

The zoo!  The zoo!  Finally the day arrived to go to the zoo with Cole's kindergarten class.  I was only reminded of it every day for about 6 weeks.  Seriously there were a thousand kindergarten kids there that day.  Come to think of it there were high school kids there too! (but they act just like six year olds, so they fit right in! :) 

As we approached this wolf, Cole said "Look its the werewolf!"   Cole took this pic all by himself!  Pretty good for a 6 year old!
Turtle boy!  I think he liked the playground better than the animals!

  I just noticed in the background of this picture (below) some little girl is losing her pants.  Sorry about that.  Its a good thing we can't see her face!  :)
 Oh, to be six years old again!  He looks like he's having too much fun!

 Getting eaten by the lion with Park and his cute little friend Tyrone

   Getting eaten, again, by this fierce looking alligator!

 About to go for a train ride.  I couldn't get Park to look up, so here's a nice shot of his head!  I think I need some Crest White strips too!

 Cole with all his little kindergarten buddies.  Notice how he's like 6 inches taller than the rest!  I don't know where he came from-switched at birth, I think:)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Easter Morning

                                   We had to get the funny picture out of the way first!

                                   Showin' some love!

                                    Three good lookin' little men!